Car Boot Sale
The VIA is excited to host our 6th Annual Car Boot Sale on Saturday, May 17th. Mark your calendars! This is always a super fun event where participating vendors fill up their car boots (trunks) with all the items they want to sell and buyers feel free to haggle a fair price. It's a GREAT time to find some super bargains!
No reservations! No applications! Vendors show up, pay up, and set up!
Vendors check in at the Chesapeake Drive entrance and set up between 7 - 8 AM, one hour before the Car Boot Sale opens. A $10 seller's fee from vendors will be collected up-front. VIA volunteers will show vendors where to park.
Cross your fingers for good weather..... there is no rain date for this event.
And if you need additional enticement, those talented ladies from the Irvington Baptist In Touch mission group will host another AMAZING bake sale! You'll find them in the gazebo. All proceeds go to support the IBIT's Youth Trips. HINT: Better get there quickly before they sell out! 🐸